There’s always a bittersweet feeling when we reach the halfway point of the Capacity-building Programs.

It’s truly rewarding to see the evolution of all the Teams, meet the expectations built up over so many months, and be pleasantly surprised! On the other hand, there’s always the sadness of seeing people leave, and even the certainty that we’ll hear a lot more about each project in the future doesn’t ease this feeling of anticipated nostalgia.

This cohort stood out for its creativity and ability to spot opportunities in niches. It was marked by energy and enthusiasm. It stood out for its capacity for reinvention and attention to detail. Each of the Entrepreneurs who walked through the doors of Casa do Impacto has left a mark that will define Triggers until the end, in its many future editions.

The Demoday of the capacity-building phase was full of all these qualities, and we wish we could closely follow the work of all those who made themselves heard that day. Since this isn’t possible, we entrusted the responsibility of selecting the three finalists to a very comprehensive jury panel that represented the esteemed Partners of Triggers: Soraia Carvalho, Director of the Environment and Sea Department at the Câmara Municipal de Cascais; João Duarte, Sustainability & Social Innovation Project Manager at AGEAS Portugal; Nimay Çelikyay, Open Innovation Project Manager at Galp; João Campos from the Social Impact Coordination Office at EDP; and Bárbara Leão de Carvalho, Impact Investments Manager at 3XP Global, who joined Nuno Comando, Head of Programs, Investment & Communications. Thank you very much for your constant support and for always walking by our side, elevating the status of the Impact Ecosystem and setting an example for the future.

From the joint responsibility of the distinguished jury panel, combined with close guidance throughout the entire process and extensive knowledge of the field and the current needs of the world we live in, emerged three names of three innovative solutions, relevant and with high potential for Impact. These were announced by Dr. Luís Rego, Executive Director of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Social Economy at Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, who, on a positive note looking to the future, expressed gratitude for the presence of Partners, Entrepreneurs, and the Casa do Impacto Team.

Here are the finalists of the 3rd edition of Triggers, our capacity-building program focused on Environmental Sustainability:


  • DIGNA ENGENHARIA (Evelin Mello): A social technology committed to resolving complex housing issues through various services, focusing on the development of Sustainable Communities.


  • HUMIVERSO (Pedro Carvalho and Rafael Crisóstomo): Develops innovative modular machines that transform organic waste into organic fertilizer through the use of earthworms – vermicomposting. This approach contributes to the decentralization of waste treatment and the self-production of organic fertilizer.


  • RARO (Luís Serra, Tiago Reis, Sergio Carvalho): A unique online retail platform that combines Curatorship, Communication, and Technology, exclusively dedicated to preserving the heritage of craftsmanship, biodiversity, and ancestral production techniques.


The coming months won’t just be about vacations, rest, beach, sun, and sea baths. There’s a lot of work to be done, and the demand is increasing. No one can take the podium from them now, but each one wants to reach the highest step. Rest, reflect, and show that the decision was well made. Being a finalist carries responsibility, and the vote of confidence has been given. Now it’s up to you! We are almost there, but not yet!

Thank you very much to the Teams who have been with us so far; we are eager to see what’s coming next!

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Finalistas da 3ª edição do Triggers e staff da Casa do Impacto